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Eroster qld health

Queensland Health is an agency of the Queensland Government, and as such is responsible for providing public health care services to the people of Queensland. In order to ensure that these services are provided in an efficient manner, Queensland Health has implemented the eRoster system to streamline the scheduling and rostering of staff. This paper will discuss the various aspects of the eRoster system, how it has been implemented in Queensland Health, and the benefits that it has provided.

Overview of eRoster

eRoster is a web-based application that is used to manage the scheduling, rostering and deployment of staff in a healthcare setting. It is designed to provide an efficient and effective way of managing the scheduling of staff, ensuring that resources are allocated to the right tasks and that staff are appropriately deployed in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. The system is capable of managing the scheduling of staff on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, as well as providing reporting and analytics on the effectiveness of staff deployment.

Benefits of eRoster

The eRoster system provides a number of benefits to Queensland Health, including improved efficiency, increased accuracy, and increased transparency.

A. Improved Efficiency

The eRoster system allows for the scheduling of staff in a more efficient manner. It eliminates the need for manual scheduling and rostering, saving time and reducing the potential for errors. It also allows for the scheduling of staff in a more flexible way, so that resources can be allocated in an optimal manner.

B. Increased Accuracy

The eRoster system also ensures that staff are deployed to the right tasks, and that resources are allocated in the most cost-effective manner. This reduces the potential for errors, and ensures that staff are deployed in the most effective manner.

C. Increased Transparency

The eRoster system also allows for increased transparency in the scheduling and deployment of staff. It allows for the tracking of staff deployment and the reporting of any issues that may arise. This allows supervisors to more easily identify any issues that may arise, and take appropriate action.

Implementation of eRoster in Queensland Health

The eRoster system has been implemented in Queensland Health in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of staff deployment. In order to ensure that the system is implemented in the most effective manner, the following steps have been taken:

A. Setting Up the System

The first step in the implementation of the eRoster system was to set up the system. This involved configuring the system and ensuring that it was properly integrated with other systems within Queensland Health. This was done in order to ensure that the system was properly functioning and that all data was accurately captured.

B. Training Staff

The second step in the implementation process was to train staff on the eRoster system. This involved training staff on how to use the system, and ensuring that they were aware of all the features and functions of the system. This was done in order to ensure that staff were able to effectively use the system and to ensure that it was being used in an efficient and effective manner.

C. Ongoing Support

The final step in the implementation process was to provide ongoing support for the eRoster system. This involved providing technical support and troubleshooting any issues that may arise. This was done in order to ensure that the system was running smoothly and that staff were able to effectively use the system.


The eRoster system has been successfully implemented in Queensland Health, and has provided a number of benefits. It has improved the efficiency of staff deployment, increased accuracy, and provided increased transparency. It has also allowed for the tracking of staff deployment and the troubleshooting of any issues that may arise. The eRoster system has proven to be an effective and efficient way of managing staff scheduling and deployment, and has provided a number of benefits to Queensland Health.

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